two days!

For the last few days I've had an incessant queasiness in my stomach that seems to intensify whenever I think about packing or the fact that one week from today I'll be half way through my second day of work. A rough self-diagnosis concludes: reality is beginning to settle in. The fact that I'm actually leaving for Japan in less than two days is finally feeling like just that--a fact--and the excitement and anxiety concentric with this realization are making me physically ill.

This day was filled mostly with a great deal of last-minute shopping for omiyage (gifts to present to my bosses and co-workers in Japan) and was highlighted with the excitement of a new haircut. I feel that the new 'do corresponds nicely with my upcoming transformation from a post-college freeloader living with my parents for the summer to a mature (but still kinda funky) English teacher working in Japan. Perhaps you will understand what I mean:

Old me (immature)

New me (very professional)


Anonymous said...


victoria.magyar said...

Awesome hair! You look SO professional.